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OpenFaaS multi-stage with Istio on Kubernetes


OpenFaaS (Function as a service) is a framework for creating server-less functions on Kubernetes or Docker. It made server-less functions simple. You can run OpenFaaS anywhere on your laptop, your own premise hardware or create a cluster in the cloud. OpenFaaS supporting any language such as GO, Java, Python, C#, Ruby , ASP.NET Core or anything else. To learn more about OpenFaaS please refer to official document.


Istio is a platform used to interconnect microservices. It provides advanced network features like load balancing, service-to-service authentication, monitoring, etc, without requiring any changes in service code.

Please refer to Istio official document for more information.


Basic knowledge about Kubernetes Basic knowledge about Istio Basic knowledge about OpenFaaS Kubernetes cluster up and running Install helm CLI/client On Linux and Mac/Darwin:

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